We started painting my friend's room first since she simply wanted to paint her room purple, because it was plain white before. After we were done with hers, we moved onto mine... which was much more complicated since I wanted stripes on two of my walls. Before the stripes, the color I had was baby pink. I started getting bored of the dullness and wanted to add a bit of pop to my room with a bold color and design. I decided to pick dark pink because it would contrast greatly with the baby pink. Once we were finished with my room, it looked amazing! We felt so proud of ourselves for completing such a massive project. Whenever people would come over and see my room, they would automatically assume I got it done. The looks on their faces were priceless when I would tell them that my friend and I did it all by ourselves (no parental help). All in all, it took us only 4 days! 2 days for her and 2 days for me. It was time consuming but it turned out amazing at the end and totally worth our precious summer.
For my stripes, we first started off by using a ruler to measure out the distances between the lines. We used a pencil to put a little line to where we could come back and completely finish the lines from top to bottom. Oh and FYI, the stripes I did on my walls were vertical. We did about 4in for the lines, but it depends on how much thickness you want in your stripes. After using the ruler to draw out the lines, we used blue painter's tape to cover the ceiling, door, closet, windows, bottom borders, and outlets. Then, we went ahead and used the tape to go over the pencil for the lines to separate the stripes. I alternated obviously, so one strip was baby pink and the other was dark pink. Since my room was already painted baby pink, thankfully my work was shortened down and my attention was all on the dark pink. Also, since I only painted two walls it shortened my time as well. Personally, I think that painting stripes around the whole room can make it seem a bit smaller (only because I chose a bold color), so that's why i only stuck to two walls since i had a light color on my other walls. It's a fact that light colors, especially white, make the room look bigger than it usually is. From there, we painted throughout the days and finally finished. Once the paint was dry, I took the tape off and went back to erase some of the dark pencil lines that were left from the beginning.
Funny moments we had while painting: Trying to sing Opera for all the pop songs that were a hit back then, Skyping our friends and acting like freaks (which we already are), Paint fights, Drawing on eachothers shirts, Dancing like maniacs to the songs on the radio, and talking in British accents.
All in all, it was a wonderful experience and a great bonding time with one another.
Pictures down below!
Till next time,
Much more tape was used!
FINISHED! You can see both of my different walls in this picture.
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