Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Chi Town (The Windy City)

Hello lovelies, 

I am truly sorry about not posting yesterday. Since today was the last day before Thanksgiving Break, I have been busy trying to finish all my homework so I can just study this whole break. Finals UGH.
WOAH, its break! Finally can get a breather. Hope you all have a wonderful break with your loved ones(:

So, today I was planning on blogging about how I painted my room with the help of my wonderful friend. Sadly, I couldn't find the pictures I took of my room and every step I did.
I promise I will find them by tonight and hopefully blog about it tomorrow, if not, then on Thursday.
Keep checking back for updates!

On to the main topic of the day. Photography!
I visited Chicago last year during Thanksgiving Break and took tons of pictures of the different designs that the buildings had and of course, the beautiful waves of Lake Michigan.
We (as in my parents and I) took the "Architecture River Tour" since I was in love with the architecture there. I wanted to learn some history about the buildings as well, which is why it was a perfect tour to take. If any of you plan on going to Chicago in the future, take this tour! It's an amazing experience and  not time consuming at all. Also, the tour guides were very friendly and they provided delicious baked goods and beverages below the deck, which made the tour even better.The boat ride was approximately an hour long. Not bad at all. I definitely recommend it!

I've included some of my favorite shots that I took on my trip to Chi Town.
Enjoy! Till next time,

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This is my favorite picture that I took out of all of them! Doesn't it kind of look like Venice?
I always wanted to go to Venice.
It's on my bucket list so hopefully.. Fingers crossed!

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