Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Doodle Series #41

Hi guys,

This piece is a visual representation of the poem written by Faiz Ahmed Faiz. Bol means "speak" in English. This poem was written during the freedom struggle in India. Below is the translation from Urdu to English of the poem that is written within my piece.

Speak, your lips are still free.
Speak, your tongue is still yours.
Your strong body is still your own, so
speak, while your soul is still yours.

See how in the blacksmith’s shop,
the iron is red, and in the flames’ heat
all the locks begin to open their mouths;
all the chains disperse. 

Speak! This little time is so vast,
before the death of body and tongue.
Speak: truth is alive, even now.
Speak. Say what you must.

Until next time,
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Monday, November 6, 2017

Doodle Series #40

Hey guys,

So I have been trying to strengthen my reading/writing of Urdu through the beautiful pieces of Urdu poetry. Knowing how to speak a language without 100% comprehension is frustrating when you do not know how to read/write in that language. By learning my mother tongue through my hands and eyes, I hope to pass on this beautiful language to the generations to come. Urdu is such a beautiful language that tends to be overlooked amongst our generation. To keep it alive, I plan to incorporate snippets of it throughout my posts. While I hope to learn from these posts, I hope you will as well. #PromoteUrdu

Here is a poem from the famous Urdu poet, Mirza Ghalib:

جب وہ جمال دلفروز، صورت مہر نیم روز، خود ہي ہو نظر سوز، پردے میں منہ چہپاۓ کیوں
Jab woh jamaal-e-dilfiroz, soorat-e-mehr-e-neem roz, khud hi ho nazra soz, pardey mein munh chupaaey kyun
Why should that charming beauty, like the midday sun ablaze, hide herself behind the veil, when none at her can gaze.

Until next time,
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Saturday, November 4, 2017

Doodle Series #39

Hi Guys,

Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend so far. I recently made another piece which involved paint and had a great time putting it together. I decided to try something new aside from my usual Zentangle and Calligraphy designs, which is why I chose to try making some clothing sketches. I always admired the sketches that designers put together before bringing their clothing to life, but I was always hesitant on making something similar since I am not comfortable with drawing humans. However, in this case I realized that I do not have to focus on the face or body, but more so the clothing. I completely suck at making faces which is why I stick to anything but that.

Until next time,
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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Oreo Truffles

Hey Guys!

I had been planning on starting my own personal cook book for years, but I never got around to it simply because I wanted to do something unique with it. I was set on creating a binder with my recipes and calling it a day, however one day I thought, why not incorporate art into my cook book? Why not think outside of the bubble and make the experience of writing out recipes fun! I love to cook which is why I decided to incorporate the colorful aspect of cooking into my cook book through my vision of art. I will be posting more of my recipes from my cook book on here so stay tuned for more!

Until next time,
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Friday, October 6, 2017

Doodle Series #38

Hi Guys,

Referring back to my previous post regarding canvases and paint, I decided to use paint in my book as well.... I know, i'm getting really bold these days and stepping out of my comfort zone. I was a bit hesitant since my book only contains pen ink, not paint ink- and paint usually curls up sketch paper very easily. However, when I completed my piece and took a look at it from afar, I was content regardless of the paper curling up in my sketch book. I was able to bring my piece to life with a touch of color and I hope to use acrylic paint more in the future.

Until next time,
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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Doodle Series #37

Hi Guys,

In honor of the holy month of Muharram approaching, let us all pay our respects to Prophet Muhammad's beloved family who sacrificed their all for the sake of saving Islam. Please be mindful of those around you who observe this tragic month. May we all strengthen our imaan from the stories of Karbala and learn to be better humans.

"I did not rise up for the cause of wickedness, amusement, corruption or oppression, but I rose up to reform the Muslim community of my grandfather [Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)]. I want to promote virtue and prevent vice." -Imam Hussain (as)

My piece is called:
The dome of Hussain (as) and the call to Mahdi (ajf)

Until next time,
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Doodle Series #36

Hi everyone,

Canvases, canvases, canvases. I have been deeply invested with my pieces through my book that I never gave anything else much importance. I have been used to the easy access of my book that anything bigger intimidated me. However, this time I took the chance and used paint on a canvas. It was much more different, but definitely worth it. I was able to observe my work on a larger scale. I received a lot of appreciation for both of these pieces and hope to continue to make more.

The first piece shows a man praying and the surah surrounding him is Surah-al Hamd.

The second piece says, "fabiayyi ala irobbikuma tukadziban" which means, "which of the favors of your lord will you deny?" from Surah-ar Rahman

Until next time,
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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Doodle Series #35

Art has always been a powerful tool through which I can freely express the two most important aspects of my life: religion and culture. As you look at this picture, what do you see? A map of Pakistan, correct? The details embedded within the map showcase a variety of embroidery techniques used throughout the provinces of Pakistan. Each detail symbolizes the individuals purpose of life. We all might not be able to decode that meaning specifically, but we all can connect in some form. For example, this ajrak (patterned fabric) displayed in the photo next to my drawing holds an impeccable amount of meaning to me. It was my grandfathers. This ajrak provided him warmth in the absence of his father. A father who sacrificed his everything for his riaya (people) in Jaipur, India - 1947. This same ajrak now provides warmth to my mother in the absence of her father, who has passed.

While many fled, my great-grandfather stayed behind to protect the people of his villages. When you own acres of lands and provide many with homes on those lands, what do you do when someone tries to destroy the people in those homes? Run? Never. He told his son, my grandfather, "these people depend on me. If the leader that they respect leaves, who will they have left?" Pakistan was built on the sacrifices of many, including my great-grandparents. Those sacrifices have taught me to be resilient, and to use that resilience to spread good around me.

The amount of talented individuals in Pakistan is eye opening, and the love that each Pakistani has for their country is heart-warming. Just look at the amount of detail and precise work that is put into each embroidery. I have noticed such raw talent in Pakistan since I visited at a very young age. Till this day, I tend to appreciate rather than criticize because of all that I have experienced with my times in Pakistan. Many get confused by my passionate love for Pakistan and its people that I carry within. Why? Just because I was not born there? When you take the initiative to understand the purpose of your ancestors and what they sacrificed for the generations after them, you take everything around you in a more positive way.

This historic family story keeps me in check. It motivates me to do my absolute best. Love and respect is shown throughout my work. The love and respect that I have for my religion and culture all connect back to the foundation that my family provided me with since the start. The respect that I have for each family member as far back as our Prophets (saw) and Imams (as), brings me closer to my religion and culture. My being.

Now, whenever you look at an art piece without any care, remember that the person who created it may have a meaningful story behind it. And that meaningful story might have a connection with you. Respect those around you, cherish them, and appreciate them.

Until next time,
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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Doodle Series #34

Hey guys!

Hope you all are having a relaxing and joyful summer so far. I usually spend some weekend afternoons sitting out in the fresh air and drawing my heart out in my book since we are nearing the end of summer 2017. My goal each summer is to take as much advantage of the beautiful weather and soak it up any way that I can before I am back to being cooped up during the winter season. I decided to write down some words that hold a meaning to each of us as humans. Not only are these simple words with great meaning, but they also show the magnificent essence of God.

Until next time,
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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Doodle Series #33

Hey Guys!

Hope those celebrating the holy month of Ramadan are having a blessed one. I decided on creating some pieces which have a specific meaning to the month of Ramadan. This specific one is of a woman praying. Stay tuned for more to come!

Until next time,
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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Doodle Series #32

Hey guys!

Since the holy month of Ramadan is right around the corner, I decided to make yet another Ramadan greeting for all my amazing viewers! I made a Ramadan piece back in 2015, meaning this one was long overdue. Wishing all those who are taking part in this blessed month a beautiful one filled with peace, love, giving, and self-reflection.

Until next time,
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Thursday, April 6, 2017

Doodle Series #31

Hey Guys!

Rainy days call for finishing up pieces that you forgot to finish! I finally had the chance to complete my Pear. For those of you wondering what the calligraphy inside says...

Bismillah ir rahman ir rahim is in the form of a pear, which means:  "In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate"

Qala allah ta'ala is the right leaf, which means: "The sublime God said"

Wa innahu min Sulayman is the left leaf, which means: "And it is from Solomon" 

Until next time,
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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Doodle Series #30

Hi Guys!

The weather outside is beautiful so I thought, why not post something on the blog today. I've been working on these wood pieces for 2 weeks and have finally finished! These will be traveling across the world for an order, which is pretty amazing since it's my first time shipping my pieces out of the country. Fingers crossed all goes well!

To those on spring break and to those that will start soon, HAPPY SPRING BREAK!

Until next time,
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