Sunday, June 29, 2014

Doodle Series #3

Hey guys!

I've been posting a lot haven't I? Well, here's another drawing I did today.
Something simple, yet sweet.

Till next time,
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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Doodle Series #2

Hey guys!

Been working on this piece for a couple of days now.
Just finished it today, while of course procrastinating on some studying.
Ha, oops. Oh well.

Till next time,
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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Doodle Series #1

Hey there loves!

Hope everyone's summer is going great  
I was doodling in my sketch book last night and decided to share the outcome with you all.
Before you all take a look at the pictures, I just wanted to give a quick shoutout to my lovely friend Aleena Mirza for the inspiration. She is truly talented and I decided to start this drawing after she did her own. I'll post a picture of her drawing towards the end; it will be labeled.

Till next time,
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My Doodles

My Friend's Doodles

Isn't she just amazing? Goodness 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

DIY Teardrop Statement Necklace

Hey guys!

I've been wanting to do a DIY statement necklace for a while now and i'm so excited to share it with you all. What's better than sitting outside on the porch on a sunny day and spending some time on a productive DIY that you will use on a daily basis? Well, not really on a daily basis but you get what I mean.

I was going through different DIY tutorials on pinterest and found this one to be the most appealing and easy to re-create. Here's the link to the original site where the blogger used chain links instead of thread.

I stopped by Michaels today to pick up a few nicks that we need to start this necklace. Listed below are the supplies along with pictures that can help you while shopping.


  • Strand of teardrop crystals (that have holes in them already)
  • Long chain (which I found lying around my dresser)
  • Extra chain links (or thread, which is what I used since the links i bought wouldn't fit in the crystals)
  • Colored nail polish
  • Needle pliers

Please excuse the random smiley faces... I accidentally put two rings there which are used for my next project. 

Keep in mind that when you buy the teardrop crystals, make sure that the holes are big enough for the extra chain links to fit through. If not, then you would have to go through an alternate route with thread, which is what I had to do since my chain links wouldn't fit.

With that said, lets move on to the tutorial. Good luck and remember to share your work with me through the Contact tab.

Till next time,
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First step: Paint your teardrop crystals with a bold color of nail polish on both sides. Let them dry afterwards before hanging.

Second step: Take the thread and put it through the crystal hole.

Third step: Take the thread and put it through one of the necklace rings. 
Fourth step: Tie a knot about 4 times to keep it in place.
Fifth step: Take the left over thread from the knot and put it through the crystal hole once again, and put it through one of the necklace holes to keep it in place. Secure it with 4 tight knots. 
Sixth step: Hang the crystals at least four links apart for less clustering. Repeat until all crystals are in place.

Friday, June 6, 2014

DIY Origami Crane Mobile

Hey loves!

I was in a huge debate with myself for the past week on what DIY to put up on here. Since I started this project on Thursday, i decided to do a mini throwback. In 5th-6th grade, knowing how to do origami was such a cool thing. Don't get me wrong, in my eyes it still is. While remembering how to make all the little neat origami gizmos, I decided why not incorporate it into a decoration piece? Everyone loves a bit of creativity when it comes to decoration. While browsing the net for some ideas, I came across this neat wall hang, aka origami crane mobile.

Link to the original site:

Since the blogger didn't give specific step by step instructions on how to make an origami crane, I decided why not make my own tutorial? Since I just finished it today (Friday) and started yesterday (Thursday) it took much longer only because I got side tracked and did some other things instead. Originally, it only takes about 2 hours. If you're a beginner to the origami world, of course it will take some time to adjust to the folds and creases; but once you get the hang of it, it's a breeze.

In total I made 12 origami cranes, which divided up perfectly for the lining up along the hoop. After making the cranes, I decided to get a bit creative on making the hoop. To be honest, I didn't have anything resembling a hoop lying around. While roaming around the house, I found a Macy's cardboard box and cut a long rectangle piece that could easily be turned into a hoop. I stapled the ends and boom! There's your quick and easy, not to mention priceless, hoop! Having a leftover cardboard box just made me cut another piece and add a handle to the hoop so it could be easily hung. I didn't feel like painting it or adding some neat designs but of course, you all can add much more and get funky with it! Once the hoop was done, I took thread and tied 12 long pieces around the hoop. As the cranes are being tied down, you have to remember that they are coming around as a spiral. For example, the first crane is tied closest to the hoop and then the others follow in a descending/longer order. How did you attach the cranes with the thread? Well, since I didn't have a pushpin available around me, I took a big fat sewing needle and used that to poke a hole on the backs of the cranes. Once the holes were poked, I took the thread through the holes and tied it 3 times to give it a good grip.

And there you have it folks! An easy DIY wall hang. I just realized that not only can this be used as general home decor, but also nursery decor! How adorable would it look over a baby's crib?

Below is a step-by-step picture tutorial on how to make an origami crane.
Shoot me an e-mail showing your work! My e-mail is located at the bottom of the Contact tab.
I'd love to see how they turn out for you all 
Good luck!

Till next time,
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