Saturday, January 9, 2021

Doodle Series #47

Hi Everyone,

I have been working on some exciting new projects coming soon. Super excited to share with you all! Until then, I made something that can serve as a reminder for us all during these tough times.

“Indeed, mankind is in loss. Only those are successful who are patient and truthful.” Surah Al-‘Asr

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Doodle Series #46

Decided to get back into my first art love, doodling and painting. I was inspired by my previous piece of the mysterious man that I painted and decided to make a female version. 


Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Embroidery #2

I decided to take my embroidery hobby up a notch and design some shirts!

I had my eye on a few shirts with similar designs online, however, they were a tad bit too pricey. That is when I thought, why not just make my own since I know how to embroider. A few shirts and supplies later, I created these two shirts. I am planning on making a few more with different designs along with some shirts for men, so I will keep you all posted with how that goes.

Showcased below are a few pictures of the process that went along in making these shirts. Shout out to my sis-in-law for rocking the pink shirt I made for her. Enjoy!

Until next time

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Embroidery #1

My first ever embroidery project!

During this pandemic, I am sure a lot of us have picked up on some new hobbies or revisited old ones. Many of us have explored different hidden talents that we didn't know we even had. Whether it be cooking, painting, DIY home projects, dancing (TikTok amirite), or even outdoor sport activities. During the stay at home order, I have picked up on a lot of new things, one of them being embroidery. 

When I ordered my first kit, I had no idea where to start. I think I spent a solid hour just trying to figure out how to put the cloth on. I had no one to physically teach me aside from an instruction manual and some good ole' Youtube videos. After many finger pokes from the needle, I finally got the hang of embroidering. I honestly did not think I would fall so in love with it, but I am pretty addicted now. Aside from all the art work that I do, I am glad I focused my creative fingers onto something different.

Every hobby has its own form of stress relief, and I am really happy I added another one to my list. Embroidery is very affordable and you can easily learn on your own once you put your mind to it. I definitely recommend it if you love to work with your hands. Any questions, don't hesitate to ask me in the "Contact" tab on my blog. I will be posting more upcoming embroidery projects that I have in mind, and I am very excited to share it on here. 

Stay safe everyone!
Until next time

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Doodle Series #45

Hey Guys!

Long time no chat, right? I haven’t had the chance to write that much in my previous posts because I didn’t have much to say along with the busy schedule I’ve had, however, I have been sick for the past couple of days and definitely wanted to write something on here.

The weather has been sucky, snowing and all, so I’ve been cooped up at home especially since I’m sick as a dog. I recently got these new bed sheets and instantly had the urge to pick up my pens and book. I forgot where I got these beautiful patterned sheets from but I just remember that they captured my heart immediately and they screamed ME. 

I haven’t casually drew something like this in a while... I was so at peace while doodling away since it brought back so many memories from when I first starting drawing. I would endlessly draw floral patterns on anything and everything. It was also pretty bitter sweet drawing a similar drawing at the end of my book from which I first started with. Yes, you read right, my book is nearing its end. I have about 5 more pages left until I store this beauty away. This is the second book that I’ve poured my heart into and it holds a special meaning to me. One of the main reasons why is because this book shows the confidence that I developed as an artist. If you compare my first book to this one, you will see many differences. I became more focused, clean, and unique with my work in this book. I explored different techniques and applied them throughout my pieces along with incorporating different messages that would speak to my audience.

Alright, enough of me blabbing, hope you guys enjoy this piece. Happy New Year as well! Sending good vibes and well wishes to you all.

Until next time,
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